About Glückskind

About us


For a professional football player, football is the emotional and vocational centerpiece of life.In order to reach his full potential on the field, every top player needs high quality expertise and continuous support also off the pitch. Our priority is to provide the top quality sports management based on the best interest of our clients. Our service covers comprehensive skills development of the athlete, including mental health and capacity building through psychological services.
Our highly skillful and multifaceted team of experts in sports management ensures that every client will be handled individually, based on holistic approach, regardless of the team or league, where the athlete is currently positioned.

All that matters is the athlete’s personal engagement and will to cooperate with us in order to take his sports career to the next level. Here, we pay full attention to the closest social networks of our athletes.
However, being talented is not enough – to succeed, one has to be disciplined and cooperative. In all our activities, we strive for professional integrity and this is what we expect from our athletes in return. For us, mutual respect, trust and reliability form the foundation of a fruitful cooperation.
If you are ready to take up the challenge and work with us for rising up to the next level, we ensure that our best expertise and comprehensive support is at your disposal.